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Resist Extremism & Oppression
Exposing Corruption
Humanitarian Groups Mercy Corps is a human development nonprofit focusing on infrastructure, health, sanitation, and services in the developing world.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption Groups Global Witness conducts investigations and advocacy to challenge abuses of power, safeguard civic freedoms, "protect human rights and secure the future of our planet." The Global Coalition against corruption. Featured: "Powerful Player, Smaller Bill: Granting tax incentives to special interests is not just unfair & a corruption weak spot; it is often also a bad policy choice."
Human and Civil Rights Groups Human Rights Watch monitors human rights issues worldwide and produces reports and advocacy statements. Amnesty International is an international human rights organization, founded in the United Kingdom. Bias: controversies. The American Islamic Forum for Democracy works to promote democratic values and universal human rights, fight extremism and "address the root cause" of radicalization. Bias: conservative.
Civic Engagement National Institute for Civil Discourse (Common Sense American) focuses on building bridges across partisan divide and finding common-sense solutions that benefit everyone. Students for Liberty is a nonpartisan group that educates students to "engage in open and civil discourse over how to best promote freedom in all aspects of our lives."
Media and Ethics Watchdogs is a non-partisan site evaluating the bias of news sites and offering balanced search of news coverage identifying the bias of each source. Judicial Watch is "a conservative foundation" which "fights for accountability and integrity in law, politics and government." Bias: conservative. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting is a "national media watch group" which critiques media bias and fights censorship. Fair works with both activists and journalists. Bias: left/progressive. Newsbusters is a blog sponsored by the Media Research Center to "expose liberal media bias." Bias: conservative.
Think Tanks/Research and Policy Institutes The Pew Research Center is a non-partisan research group and think tank which "provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world " The Foundation for Economic Education is a libertarian economic think tank advocating "economic, ethical and legal principles of a free society." FEE posts two to three daily articles, publishes books, and conducts lectures and seminars. Just Facts is "a non-profit institute dedicated to publishing comprehensive, straightforward, and rigorously documented facts about public policy issues" which adheres to "exacting Standards of Credibility." The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law engages in research and advocacy to "defend democracy and reform justice." Bias: left/progressive. The Brookings Institution is "the first private organization devoted to analyzing public policy issues at the national level." Bias: left/center-left. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank emphasizing "individual liberty, free markets, and peace." Bias: libertarian. The Bill of Rights Institute is a nonprofit educational foundation offering in-person and virtual programs and extensive online resources regarding government, civics, public policy, journalism, history, and economics. The Gatestone Institute is a "non-partisan policy organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security and freedom." Bias: conservative. The Heritage Foundation is " A research and educational institution whose mission is to build and promote conservative public policies." Bias: conservative. "Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people."